Will a mouse leave on its own if its the first time we’re seeing one?
Will I get over the fear of rejection if I ask out random strangers I don’t want to date anyways?
Is it weird to give a room tour of every little thing in your room?
what's something that you know you're better than 98% of people at?
I just miss my mommy
Do friends look down on you for being chronically single?
How do I get a better idea about whether my friend likes me before being honest with her?
A smiling dog to brighten your day ✨
Every day I feel myself more at peace with my imperfections
Would you tell your friend/crush that you found them objectively physically attractive?
AITA for being openly resentful of how differently my sibling and I spend our parents’ money?
I hate how differently my sibling and I treat our parent’s money
I’m just going to kill myself
How to cope with trust issues and the fear of abandonment?
I don’t know how to cope with trust issues and the fear of abandonment
How do I cope with trust issues and the fear of abandonment?
Should I jump directly into drawing?
Any changes that you notice must be made before I start painting?