What about this game frustrates you the most? Be honest. Let it out.
Catfish aquarium in need of renovations
Opinions, please.
Meet the family - Deliciosa, Aurea & Thai Con
Middle of winter, almost no light, and it pops this beauty out of nowhere
Got a major ego boost from a job interview
How it started vs how it’s going
Balcony garden - advice please
What is growing off of my succulent and what do I do with it?
Found this sea bug (?) in the Bahamas
Would it be wise to be anonymous about this or keep my name in?
How important is one's post doc university's world rank in determining your likelihood of getting faculty position in future?
Lab work on Weekends
Snap freezing in liquid nitrogen - lost samples
So wet lab experience
What did they mean by this?
A Gentle reminder to all players, regardless of rank.
I hate looking dumb in front of my supervisor :(
Advice on Monstera
Monstera report/moss pole question
Survival analysis - statistics question (combining trials)
Lifespan analysis - statistical question (combining trials)
Looking at a centipede under the microscope when I saw these little mites crawling on it. What the hell are those???
RNAi clone for C. elegans - weird lawn growth?