Onslaught Points - how are they calculated?
Do you remember the "art of strategy" - event? Do you think this game mode will ever come back? I enjoyed it very much, it wasn't well balanced or anything but it was extremly funny. And what is balanced in WoT anyways lol
Dick move from Wargaming
+/-2 mm should really be removed
Starting with 1022 Onslaught-Points, finishing after 6h with 999. Who knows the pain?
What are the first 3 things you do as soon as the game starts and why do you do them? e.g. "I head for cover to buy some time"
Okay, I'm done for the day
The problem with the amx 50B
Great Offer in the Cat Shop /s
Just remember that if you are the type of Unicum to brag about your stats, make sure you aren't both a reroll and a seal clubber.
The Obj. 260 and 279e make sense to have if you are playing Clanwars, otherwise why bother to get them?
Trade in event.
What the hell is up with the steamrolls nowadays?
You guys are the problem.
Heavies get useless in a +2mm
My Hands are still shaking. AMA
Ever played during night time?
Real great trade calculator /s
Is there any way of getting gold cheaper?
I have 100% marks of excellence on my favorite tank
Are statistics important in this game?
Yep, this game hasn't changed.
Trading the 112 for the Obj. 703 II?
Will i get a gold compensation from this trade when i reach max discount?