Who do you have the most wins with?
How have I gotten so high even Z ranks give me no points
I have a question for all the people that are still upset about not getting certain characters like pikon, nova, eis, tao, etc. Would yall actually use them? because i feel like people only play the characters that were op in the show
What’s the worst 15 DP Team?
Why isn't Pre-Kaioken Goku playable ?
Beast goha is ruining the fucking game
Do you guys think Tien's ult needs some sort of buff?
How do you have fun playing like this?
Media so extreme even fans of it tell you not to read it
Here's my 5 mains whats yours
Hot take: Majinn Vegeta should be a transformation
Why is Quickplay now sweatier than Ranked?
Which females characters should they add in sparking Zero?
How do some of yall hit z rank without op characters?
I’ve started using the theater to track the teams I’ve been playing against. I’m actually pleasantly surprised at some of the variety.
I’m confused, why didn’t we clash (impact) here?
We need Rank Reset!
I just got a 10 min penalty, waited it, played 1 game, and it's back 10/10
Am I "rush exploiting"?
Double speed replay of Frieza single handedly winning a DP game.
It doesn’t matter who you got to Z rank with
How do I reset my rank
It was like playing against a time capsule from before the patch.
Why does charged ki blast damage changes?