Has anyone found a nice way to ask their in laws to stop buying them so much unnecessary crap?
What was the dumbest name you gave your OC?
Why don't women squat when giving birth the traditional way?
The one thing you just can’t cook
Thanks a lot to Indiozia for the support😊! Again (if you want,) gimme your reigonal variants/convergent/ultra beast/paradox pokemon ideas and I'll draw the first 10!
Villains who give up villainy in favor of civilian life and find they legitimately enjoy it.
Am I an unfit mother?
Just a preview of my new region project I doomed myself with starting. My last one took several years, and I expect this one to be just as long haha. Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy these starters that I'm super happy with
Do you care about the race of characters?
This looks very painful and very messy!
AIO to my boyfriend’s response to my hysterectomy?
Asked my lactation consultant what's the worst name she's ever heard
from a moms group
Mithrarian Meowth of the ice type! what did you think?
Paleo Idols by theamazingspino
Don't mind me, just throwing some gasoline on the fire.
AIO I (28f), met this guy (37m) on a dating app and we spoke for about 3 days but I found a connection with someone else and he threatened me
Favorite celebrities whose partners are half their age ? I'll start
Protests in Idaho Falls?!
Why All the Distain for Denna
What surprised you the most of the opposite gender the first time you had sex?
Tried to hold boundaries w/21 month old. Did I do this right?
Least Favorite Enemy?