Do you like to crotch watch?
Questions about local ranges.
What do Americans think of Australia?
What do you suppose happened here?
Working poor
I call this my John Wick closet
Buy meat and veg, eat out for a week, throw meat and veg away.
It's scary how these AI content is getting more realistic each time
Meal ticket?
18 (M4M) Mexico, Online, I wanna have and give love
What do you guys think?
Which Lyrics of a song you love do you scream everytime?
M4F 37 until tomorrow (1/14)
Do you support free speech even if you dont agree with the speech being spoken?
Blocking someone
What is a nice American chocolate?
Any Bi rural/small town people here?
This is lowkey depressing
Are there any male preferenced bi guys here?
What do Americans think about the Indian accent?
18 bottom wanting to hang out!
I am an autistic transman (16) AMA
My character contribution so far
Evo cards question
Which hoarder do you dislike the most and why?