Any predictions on what will happen with Max in S5?
Now that S4 has ended, how would you rank the episodes?
My Muslim Friends are annoying
Loved seeing Brenda Song in Superstore - shame I didn’t get to see more of her.
What was your first relationship like?
Who Are You In The Friend Group?
how do you feel about the incorporation of covid in the show?
Day 1: What’s the GOAT episode (greatest of all time)?
What’s the GOAT episode? (Greatest of all time)
Day 7: Overrated Episode
Costume Competition wins overrated ‼️ Day 8: Underrated episode
Who was "the weird kid" at your school and what did they do?
Most satisfying scene in Stranger Things
Why tf did my friend randomly send me this?
Why do I bother
Who's y'alls favourite music arists
Which of these classmates is the most annoying to you and why?
Oh my god, who is she ?
Stranger Things Season 3 Is Without a Doubt THE Most Polarizing Season of the Show and All Your Comments Are Gonna Prove So
What's the best tea dunking biscuit?
I need this Spin-Off so badly!!!
I think this show handled the exit of the main character the best.
Your last saved image is behind this door. Rate yourself on the cooked scale.
Has anyone stopped the feed of the artists playing at Chey Fest to see who they are?