Pressing assault charges on 12 year old?
Kratom question- is this a good starting dosage?
Is this a good dosage?
Is this a good starting dosage?
First time- is this a good dosage?
Could I have done this better?
I think I just fucked up.
Why do Christians tell me I’m going to hell?
Pet safe room freshener suggestions
BCBA with social work education?
Lamotrigine-induced Hypomania?
What is a good dust-free litter?
Problem with people in NA
Is anyone willing to be a temporary sponsor?
Starting to feel like sobriety is useless
AIO bf calls me derogatory names when he’s upset?
3 years clean and i can’t find the point
What can I do different
Weird asf notes left by my stepmom
7 months sober!
5 months clean today!!
Can you support LGBTQ+ folks and be a Christian?
Day 3 of roommate forgetting she has a dog
Just moved into my first apartment yesterday. No idea if this was a good way to spend $165 but it hurt. I had completely nothing before had as I just came out of homelessness and need to start from scratch. I now have $61 until next week.