Coffee Damage on Hood
What are some cultural quirks Aussies make fun of Kiwis about?
Guys I wanna get this, does this look okay
Let’s write our own Creep Cast Creepypasta
Yocan Pro -good but average
Roommate walked in on me masterbating
Can’t figure out lock piece
How to get 510 battery
Which vape to choose from?
Aussie bosses have warned staff the days of work from home are coming to an end
My nudes were leaked on the internet
Thinking of trying out for MC for back pain
Afternoons like these
Screw medcan for wanting me to work for below minimum wage
Pdo snakes and animals hide in y'all houses in winter?
Does anyone know where I can find these?! I need them!
The Latest Addition to my Sleeve
Yhorm is my homie
Reddit drop when?
I made a dark souls challenge coin!
I made a thing!
I made a friend today 😁
Dark Souls mimic! Second addition to my arm
My Second Dark Souls Tattoo. A Mimic!
Second Tattoo! Mimic, I'm pretty stoked