Just found out about the name change wait time
Been playing since the Miles Morales season and someone just used a Kang against me for the first time
Red neon border makes this one look like the laser blast is enveloping the card
Uncommon, rare and super rare in one pack
Am I the only one that thinks this looks like a teen with a fake beard glued on?
How many guilds have been completely decimated by the US ban?
It has started
I hate being in a non active alliance
Almost a week since it launched and I have YET to see a Bruce Banner pop
Which one should I pick?
This was almost an insta-buy, but then I saw the rubber wrist and now I can't unsee it
Can they STOP making the top alliance reward ugly frames...?
Never seen this variant before
Anyone else having A LOT less fun in "season 2" of Rocket League?
has anybody else encountered this message on deadpool diner?
Knocking out triple bounties like this is the last bit of joy I get out of this game
Did they shadow update deadpool's diner?
People crashing over fake cards and pixels on a screen is crazy work
How did they drop all the highlighted cards in one turn?
Been stuck at 14.98/15 for 2 days. That about sums it up for my DD2 experience.
AI Dylan Explained why ig
What's a card you barely use but have cool-looking variants for?
These dumb titles bring out a primal rage in me
Make not answering trades within 24 hours punishable
Do something new