Maxim & Dani
Jared White - Abby School Trustee posts Trump page
Exhibit A of: “why being an asian girl on reddit is hell”
hi guys pwease wish me happy birthday (18!), stop by for some cake 🍰
What's with the transphobia?
Finally got this game after 5 years of waiting…
i have accidentaly created the coolest effect in the history of T.A.B.S while goofing around with Move Editor
entering the genji flow state
Playing Haywire while waiting for DK2 campaign mode.
Lack of empathy and compassion
How Many Times Have You Died To The Warden?
How Many Of You Play Minecraft PE?
I was sexually harassed in class and my teacher did nothing
Rate my base
My friend, who just started playing minecraft, sent me this
I'm the weirdo
How old am i based on my songs?
Best bedtime story ever :)
This racist in the comments of a "which country is worse" post
Guys do I look cute..?
so real
Are you the Protagonist?
What's your irl name meaning
My personal experience seeking help. This is NOT to discourage others from reaching out, this is just a rant about the shitty luck some of us have :)