I lost my best friend of 10+ years
What Rust Content Creators do you watch? (Recommendations)
My friend wanted a car garage, but we built our base on a tall mountain. So he proceeded to build the most impressive thing i have ever seen out of pure spite.
Anyone replaced a Mini 2 gimbal stabilizer?
Hvad er de dummeste penge I har brugt (kun høje beløber)?
I absolutely love the amount of flexibility the SD gives me to play my games
[TOMT] [SONG] GUITAR RIFF Help us figure out what song this guitar riff is from!
Aarhus, smilets by... Også tyvens by?
Mr. Meaner
Communicating a serious allergy
:'( am I pathetic for almost giving in and buying it because of this? Sucks it isn't on sale.
Arri locating pin size
Just messing around with NIGHTMARE.cfg
What's the most creative song lyric you've ever heard?
[A] Star Wars Ep III - Revenge of the Sith (bonus lofi album cover)
sheep in wolf's clothing, me, pen and ink, 2022.
Zelda ocarina of time pc port gives 9 1/2 hours on full charge since it only runs in 20fps you can prob get a bit more if u tweek a few stuff
What traits in a girl do you find attractive or impressive aside from her physical appearance, guys?
Hello Fresh's quality is getting horrible
What is everyone playing this weekend?
Mouse Curser always disappears in color tab (MacOS)
Copper Fire, me, Blender, 2022
I made Mirage from memory while in class
In a roundabout way, met my gf because of Atrioc - so we showed up to NVIDIA HQ to show our gratitude! Thanks Big A for the ol' ball and chain (now I have less time to play Bloons TD 6)
Results of offlining a Russian?