What’s the most disturbing horror you’ve seen? This is mine
Who are your favorite old characters?
Favorite robot/cyborg who ISN'T from murder drones?
Favorite meme/meme template based on your favorite character?
Favorite autist?
Songs that mention "life" in the title
what song is it for you?
Newfoundland man electrocuted by downed power line, two women injured
Part 2, Day 1: What album does everyone need to listen to before they die?
What artist in your lifetime stats makes you embarrassed to show your lifetime stats?
Songs that are welcoming you to somewhere
What song do i look like
Do y'all like any of these artists from my top 20 list? Any favorite songs by them?
Songs about girls killing boys
Whats my art taste like?
Tell me an artist and I’ll tell you me favourite song by them
songs that make you feel this way?
Favorite robot character
Songs that have a plot and characters
Songs that differ from the rest of the album they're a part of
Name an album, and tell me YOUR favorite song off it
Which songs come to mind?
Name a Horror Movie most people hate but you love.
Songs that make people uncomfortable
Please be honest, is my art style unappealing? If so, what could I change?