Some Flaked Plug from Last Season's Grow
Rove Beetle - any bad experiences?
First “Twist” Flake Attempt
Pressing Whole Leaf Tobacco Plugs at Home
Rustica Aztec Growth
Any good cheap ways to get into the hobby?
Is this Powder Blue?
Lil Accident
Am I Insane? Esoterica - And So To Bed
Scored A Dairy Cow Colony
Home Processed Virginia Flake
Got downvoted in r/espresso for suggesting $2500 is too much for a first machine
Beginner/cig smoker
How to deal with flies and bug
First Cake Press
Does anyone make their own blends from bulk tobaccos?
Pipe Tobacco without Additives
My whole leaf experiments have paid off! Introducing "Sir Maxwell Relaxwell." Recipe and process in post--tin art by yours truly!
Two weeks after repotting in the Fixfarm
6 more weeks of winter? Fine by me.
Tobacco Leafs for Mulch?
Waterfall Filter
Started Sacred Rustica (Aztec) & Casing Question
First Experience Growing Diviners