Anyone else chop up and combine responses?
I protected myself instead of the other victims and it's killing me
What Reply (or part of a reply) Have you Gotten Before That Made You Go:
This is how I imagine shep when there are problems:
The devs are amazing fr
Bot's last message gets deleted.
Does anyone have a good prompt?
The removal of the NSFW filter on everything.
A creepy thing on which I remained silent
How it feels to do research on something to make the RP more accurate:
So fed up with queue...
How Shep Gets Money!! (REAL!!) (NOT CLICLBAIT!!!)
I just need to cuddle a girl
am i the only person who prefers the new ui much over the old one??
Is janitor being… Creepy, for anyone else? 😭
Which one do you prefer???
JLLM is going to be DAZZLING soon, I can feel it.
Darrian | The Monster in Your Closet
Probably not as funny as it is in my head but I wanted to share anyway.
Please choose your favorite girl name from this list
my breasts have ruined my life
This is my new cat , what do you suggest as a name for this little cute creature 🥺?