Riverwood -> Whiterun -> ? Where do YOU go next? (city\town)
Games to play after finishing The Last of Us?
whats qu'appelle like?
Does surgery feel like 1 second after you go under anesthesia?
What Star Wars Character is barely a Sith?
What’s yours?
I cant close my mouth
Enderal outfit mods for Skyrim?
What habits and behaviors have you adopted because of Supernatural?
I have 5 trillion magicka.
Don’t honk at the pedestrians
How am I supposed to succeed with this disorder?
How’s school going for you?
how many followers do you normally play with?
There isn't an end to them..
What scene gave you a little startle when you saw it for the first time?
Games similar to Skyrim?
Which character has the best Live Action adaptation?
Would you go into the last video game you played for a year for 100 mil?
This girl (18f) got pregnant and she and her parents want me (19m) to step up and help her raise her baby (I am not the dad) but I want to go into the Corps. I told her no. I feel bad though.
Mods conflicting with the Kaidan mod?
What's Your Favorite 'One-Season & then Cancelled' TV Show?
Location of Revive III spell tome?
Who do you antagonize the most in camp?