What was your gateway song for Radiohead?
I feel ripped of by Dateline... again.
Dinner & 1st time Matiz
Tried Anchovies For the First Time And…
Does every dog have an insanely accurate internal clock?
Hail to the Thief deserves more attention
Probably the worst take on anything ever
My girlfriend painted this for me.
I love the way Jose Gourmet boxes look :)
1st Icemen game
Raided the local World Market, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe's
If you had to convince someone with ONE tin………
Patagonia Provisions Sardines in Coconut Curry on Brown & Red Rice with Cilantro and Peppers
Triscuit or Ritz?
TJ’s Smoked Trout
Okay… Lies of Locke Lamora Really Is THAT good!
Help me choose a puppy please:)
What have you cut out/stopped doing to be more frugal that you thought you would miss, but actually didn’t?
Always enjoyed tinned seafood but never thought to put on a spread until finding this sub. Will be doing it again!
Is anyone feeding their pets Fresh Pet food?
Restaurant for date night?
Amnesiac appreciation post
What fantasy book will you always recommend?
Grow Kits worth it?
Looking like the weight of the world rests on his little shoulders