Do it
Not my picture but anyone know how to get this message on purpose guaranteed
This used to be such a big win, now it's like losing a kitsune worth of value
What is this supposed to be?
The fact that one perm is $50 is crazy 😭😭😭
Is dragon gonna be on stock?
Bro just grind and roll one
The best fruits (in my opinion)
I feel called out
This is a win, right?
Your jealous of...Fuuka?
Opinion on Control rework?
Describe a fruit poorly and ill guess it
These posts are gonna take a week hiatus as i’m going on vacation for a week, but what does F stand for?
Eyo what's ur thoughts about the third head ?
Dojima himself gets the D category, now what is E standing for?
Any advice for okumura’s palace
What is the luckiest fruit you rolled? I’ll go first.(Not flexing, just wanna know)
Who's shopping cart is this
What are some alternate Phantom Thief code names that honestly sound better than the chosen ones?
Just saw this mod on gamebanana where it replaces Luxury hands for reapers, any modders know how to do this except it replaces the hands from Yukiko's palace. I wanna try this but i'm only at August rn
Roses are red, nobody likes deepfakes
Spelt it wrong but close enough
Reasonable Undead Tier List (for any disagreements add @ drakoprayers on discord)