Any advice on sculpting?
Best way to fix these holes?
Thoughts on flying rn?
dashi powder over expiration date - still okay?
Can this be used for taxidermy?
Badger or raccoon?
Dentists do not treat TMJ!!
Is anyone else too scared to get botox?
Cant post anything
Is Lbee health legit?
Real or reproduction?
Best doctor for adult autism assessment?
Does anyone have experience with the autism assessment provided by LBee Health? I'm considering it, but I have reservations about its legitimacy.
Is there any particular reason why I can't get a diagnosis online in Louisiana?
Tips on getting a diagnosis and finding a good doctor?
Nightmares of others getting sick
Best place to get piercings in Nola?
How do you get diagnosed as an adult?
Skull plate isn't wide enough. What can I do?
Do I need to pickle this?
How old are these?
I truly don't know how to feel about this
Is Van Dyke's shipping expensive?
Would these be good for taxidermy?