AITA for telling my brother that since he didn't vote he doesn't get to complain
My prismarine bees keep disappearing overnight, any idea why?
Incase you never figured it out
AIO to my husband (we’re both 45) being friends with a 31 year old woman that he works with who he also texts often (messages are between him and her)
Bore Buddy 12.1” Match Upper FRT-15L3 Troubleshooting
Poor Guy Is Lost
This crew messed with the wrong prospector.
AIO to my gf being bisexual
Remembered I have free will and a printer the other day so... Big breadclip.
Quote to replace front and back doors at my house
Holy macaroni
What does my fridge say about me?
How good is this structure?
How to stop this? They are spawning in dozens in front of my base and i cant find any spawner or something else...
This sticker I saw while on a walk.
AIO, my financé has anger issues
Make a burger
Told her it was $65
Are you Ready for This?
I was wondering why I stopped needing to eat
I was bitten by a stray crazy dog over my track pants. Minding my own business and that dog just attacked. Should I be worried? I have already washed it with soap thoroughly.
AIO my boyfriend was too tired to drive me to my abortion
AIO - is my boyfriend’s mom guilt tripping me for having an abortion?
These lights man
It's a suppressor, not a silencer