why does everyone stereotype this?
My grandparents put their American flag aside so they could put up their Trump flag 🙄
America feels a lot like Nazi Germany right now..
What one word best describes Americans?
You may disagree, but ___ is honestly the best!
I like to bathe with my _____.
Which Is Better? British Afghanistan!
Trump was ___ all along!
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
What is 1 thing that our founding fathers would wish for us to have better followed?
This would better fit the new X logo based on some recent developments...
This is...illegal right? 😭🙏
What is 1 thing that Caesar would say about what Europe is today?
What is 1 thing our founding fathers would say about our country now?
What is 1 thing America's founding fathers would say about our country now?
My parents are embarrassed by me being against Nazi Elon
I should have voted for ____, they would have made a better president.
If you had to have sex once a day or you will die how long would you survive?
New Twitter er uh I mean X logo likely just decided
Wait... what do I do in this position? (I'm black)
I hate _______!!!
Who would win this hypothetical war?
My objectively correct opinion on European countries
Trump or Harris? If the world could have voted....
Trump or Harris?