what do u think should be a law that isn’t already?
Who was the worst teacher/ professor you’ve ever had?
What is your weirdest food combination that you actually like?
What country has the best food?
What's something you learned the hard way, but you're glad you did?
When was the first time life slapped you in your face and made you realize you’re an adult?
Any apartment complex recommendations outside of downtown?
You just won $20 million, and your parents ask you for half, what would you say?
What do you like the most about a man (sexually)?
What would you chose between paying for OF or having sex with a prostitute and why?
People who dreamt of being an Astronaut as a kid and made it. What did it feel like looking at Earth from space for the first time?
Ex convicts of reddit, what is something in the prison/ jail life that the movies and don’t show?
How does the American political system work?
Redditors who had bad grades, how did life work out for you after high school?
What does it feel like to get stabbed?
How did you come out of depression?
What is a 100% legit story that happened to you but sounds fake and nobody believes you when you tell them?
Daily Discussion
Dog just wants to have some fun too.
What is a 100% legit story that happened to you that sounds fake and no one believes it?
What weird thing(s) do you do in your sleep?
Looks like a fire at the Source this morning. About 6 fire trucks responded, Brighton is closed as of now
What was your biggest culture shock when traveling to another country?
What’s the funniest prank you’ve ever pulled on a friend?