Are Munch and Wong the only good characters?
Best cast?
rudnick won evil and neutral now who is good but chaotic
carisi won good and lawful now who is neutral (neither good or bad) and lawful?
Study for NVLD
Will we ever see Novak again?
What was the point of Elphaba's dad being at the send off at the train to Emerald City?
Could I lose my job if I voluntarily put myself in a psychatrict hold
Casey/Melinda Centric Episodes
Things I’ve witnessed in the peak sauna that don’t belong in the peak sauna:
Is anyone on this page even real?
What part are you most looking forward to in the second movie?
Question for the Broadway fans
Therapists who ethically oppose medication…
Anyone with Asperger's who likes cooking?
Occupational therapy?
Shopping at ParrotCrown [dot] com is not worth it {Vent/Review post}
The only people who didn’t laugh at Elphaba in the Ozdust Ballroom. Elphaba would’ve pulled a Carrie if Wicked was Rated R, lol.
The true villain of the movie
Why is Nessa’s Portrayal in the Musical Considered Offensive?
Elphaba's first convo with Glinda & Disability
Anyone here hating eating out with people?
Sliding scale only for certain populations?
Green Lightening?