Anyone ever had an ex come back after the closure message?
Dying to break no contact
Does he think of me?
Are they really doing anything?
my ex texted me this - what does it mean?
What drug makes for the best sex?
Childless Mid to late 30s girls, what are you thinking?
As a white person, is “Jew” the respectful term to use?
She broke up with me because she felt overwhelmed. What now?
Is my first gen unusable? "Could not communicate with your Chromecast" error
Is it possible to have to much sex after a break up
Taking a peak: Being Emotion Cognizant
Can’t move on from this girl
Feeling they cant find better
do you ever wonder what you’ve “done” to deserve what’s happened to you?
How do you stop the catastrophic thinking
Honest question
How do you resist the urge not to talk to them
She broke up with me
Block on some but not all?
Is it normal to still miss ex after 5 years?
I left because I was ruining them? Have you ever said this.
When did you realized you were healed?
It's been 3 months since we broke up. Should I chat her again?