I wish Baro would bring Akzani and Fusilai Primes
Warframe got boring
Progress is being made: kullervo tennocon 2025
Any builds for Cernos Prime?
I belive that being able to exchange relics to void traces would actually increase prices of prime parts
Should I get Atlas?
Update on the least used Warframes, and such, in 2024
Tau is a planet, not the name of the star. At least, according to the Drifter.
Once again, I'm begging you DE. Give us some use for excess slivers. Let us buy veiled riven ciphers or something. Anything at all would be nice.
Tenno, How did YOU find out about Warframe?
Which Volt Augment would be better for squads?
For all the Fragor users
"Is It Wrong to Carry a Mission? First Encounter with a Toxic Player in Warframe" I am a noob!
I Don't know if this is new, but it's the first time I've seen it
What is the best current shotgun
I wanna use diriga as a primer for my melee focused kullervo+ okina incarnon build. pls give me builds and weapon suggestions! :D
Got a big number on Rhino, how?
Jade Eximus addiction is a strange addiction, but an addiction nonetheless (frickin love this event as a Nyx main lol)
What is the best way to prime wide spread cold procs w/o Frost?
So, what do we think of Biotic Rounds for AX-52
How do you test equipment?
I was banned for no reason
Nezha's Semi Exalted Chakram
I never played warframe BUT what is that one trailer or cutscene that gives “i have to try it for real”
Here's what True masters (+) were using in 2024