Politics and dating is so annoying
Young women are starting to leave men behind
Lesbian in food network starterpack
How do you show appreciation to your partner and how would you want your partner to show you appreciation?
Ladies, how would you feel/react to a situation like this?
CMV: It's ok to end a marriage/family for your own happiness
Do women on here understand why men don't like being seen as the "safe" option?
To women, how would you feel if your partner spent a lot of money on his past partners but is relatively frugal with you?
How does a man’s lifestyle affect his attraction level.
Q4W: Is a man lying to get sex tantamount to sexual violence and abuse
Single dads shouldn't be encouraged by society
Men are now the most exploited class of people on the internet
"We want to represent everyone! Except the well endowed!"
When You’re Single, Half The Women You Date Already Got A Man
Q4W: Do you think it's understandable if a guy is celibate simply because he doesn't like his gender role in dating?
Mormon wives vs redpillers
Are Europeans seen as more attractive in America, than in Europe?
Men and women pretty much act the same it slightly different ways.
Men; if you were a woman, would you be a trad wife, or would you aim to be a “modern woman”.
A lot of of people are genuine assholes they just don’t have the looks to get away with it.
Women judge men's morality and merit on whether or not they are attracted to him
New research on female video game characters uncovers a surprising twist - Female gamers prefer playing as highly sexualized characters, despite disliking them.
The Obvious-Once-You-Think-About-It Reason Why Education Cuts Fertility
Fertility rate in England and Wales falls to lowest level since records began in 1938
Saw this political meme browsing /all; it kinda loosely fits here for reasons they did not intend