New Player - Will Artian weapons be outclassed when DLC comes out?
Old Gameboy color found..but may be lost.
Giveaway! Comment to enter. U.S. only (sorry). Fluance RT82 Reference Table w/ a Ortofon OM10 Cartridge
If everyone in the world wore a T-shirt with the phrase they say the most, what would yours say?
People who have been cheated on—what were the red flags you ignored at first?
Which ficus should I get?
Careful with that
Why are hisui ultra balls white on the bottom?
Will this be enough to run my house in a storm?
What's the oldest piece of tech you still own that still works just as well as new, and isn't obsolete?
The last video game or TV show you watched is now your reality. How fucked are you?
The eighth-generation (2006-2011) is the best-looking Civic. I never knew people hated the design of it.
What accent is the most attractive to you?
What's something a lot of people find attractive but you don't?
If you could go back to high school years, what is one thing that you would do differently?
What is your favourite car?
Various mobiles that flip, twist, slide & fold
Single people of Reddit: What are you doing this Valentine’s Day?
Help a beginner pick out some plants!
What did you think of this game? Curious because back then I didn't know anyone else who had it
Which one did you own
What's the best nonsexual sensation a body can feel?
Found on the street
I've been trying a shiny only run for my first playthrough. Currently hunting the last member before hunting Palkia, the last member, How's the team looking? (Yes, I know i gotta train Buizel.)
How cooked am I?