Does anyone find it suspicious that since the inception of the podcast, the medium has been completely dominated by baldy, round headed chimp like idiots who’re themselves obsessed with monkeys, conspiracies and are generally fucking clueless?
$1 million a year, but every box, bag, drawer and cupboard you open has a 1/10 chance of containing a live tarantula.
‘Cause the regime don’t like it man!
Is this even a Ricky Gervais sub?
For me the greatest ever Rockbusters: "Fussed has made an appearance!!"
Journalist request for all the little monkey fellas
Looking for Memorabilia
James Joyce was Karl's uncle?
Does anyone know what hotel Karl was at in Lanzarote? Was it 'Seaside Los jameos'? They do theme night buffets as he describes
You are given the power to go back and change a single Oscar in the history of the award. What is it?
This would be somewhat more believable if Heinz...
Found my 13 yr old son's Bucket List and realized I need to rethink my entire life. [OC]
Those who owned an Xbox 360 and got the Red Ring Of Death, what was the last game you played before that happened?
Was just wondering... Did any of you lot watch that documentary last night? It was called, gaylords say no.
Today's Songs of Phrase
I'm not sounding bad here, not trying to offend anyone, but they do all look the-
When two become one
the jaunt
Describe your favorite XFM bit using emojis
How do you do, fellow comedians
Worst subplots in a TV series?
What is the absolute worst, most mental, bottom of the barrel rockbusters clue?
They've done you again.
Different stories
Camfield Episode
Litter tray