Shrimp dying and I don’t know why
Now THIS Is Words With Friends
Caught a molt on camera!!
Interesting Phenomenon
He watches them for hours! He takes after me 😂
Fred and his BM?
My Biggest Female Has Never Had Eggs
[LF] - Honey Gourami - Georgia
my caridina shrimps are slowly dying out
Elemental Mage is insane, finally hit legend for the first time.
Turtle/Terrapin at a fish store. Any ideas? I’m stuck!
3 Legendary Elemental Mage D5 To Legend in 104 Minutes
Why though? Who asked for this?
[NA] 93 Ovr Playmaking stretch looking for teammates to run consistent park, theatre & Pro am. I’m on PS5.
Somehow We All Survived
What do you feed your shrimp to encourage breeding?
I need a hug... RIP collection
Male or Female Cherry Shrimp?
Finally! After more than a year of waiting, a snail laid a clutch of eggs on the front glass, and I caught it within hours of deposition. Time-lapse recording underway.
20 Gold With Strike Oils - What's Your Highest?
First in the world on All-Time coop leaderboard! Yay!
4g Shrimp tank
Eric Persson says Andrew Robl is the best high stakes cash game player because he puts together the best games and puts himself in the best spots. Then he says the best player on a daily basis is Patrik Antonius.
Should I remove the guppy grass ?
Shrimp tank I'm cycling now