Who’s noticed there first ever psychotic symptoms on LSD or weed? If so what was it exactly like
Should I smoke weed again
How do You feel when You dissociate
What is going on here?
cold turkey isn’t for everyone
Who got Dpdr from EDIBLES (THC)?
I have a temporary crown, I have to wait 4-5 months till I have insurance for permanant. What do I do?
Is it bad I enjoy 6-12 mg of quetapine at night?
What to do in this scenario?
Am I screwed? PLS READ
Impact of mushrooms/psychedelics/psilocybin on academics and engineering
Does shizphrenic symptoms likehood increase as you age?
Gamers, what games do you play?
My shizophrenic dad drinks alchohol, I think on weekends. How bad is this?
My dad drinks alchohol how bad is this mentally?
At what age were you diagnosed on the spectrum?
These days flew by so fast, just felt like yesterday where I felt extremely hopeless.
Am I bipolar or manic?
Who else as DPDR from LSD ?
What does your dpdr feel like?
Nothing scares me more than weed.
Who suffers from derelization or DPDR and if so, how did you get it?
I have 15 cavities at the age of 18, am I beyond repair?
Been 3-4 months sober, still feel extremely dissociated or high to a bad degree.
Does sleeping later by 2-3 hours ruin this disorder?