Zebras not working
Can you smell this photo?
Silent Gen hoarding?
TRACK & FIELD!! I completely forgot about this.. down at the local arcade slapping the A/B buttons as fast as I could to get a running start
Co-op games to play with disabled dad
Lincoln Logs. Anyone else have hours of fun building log cabins?
Did you believe ?
If this creature showed up to you, how would you kill it?
“Lead on, adventurer. Your quest awaits.”
Kronos Super Users
First day
Overnight ds
Al Bundy scored four touchdowns in a single game.
Has anyone in fulfilment been recognized in store meetings?
I turned a nightmare I had as a child into a D&D creature
What was the best film you’ve rented from Blockbuster?
Hank Jones - Actor? Or Legitimate Corporate Executive
Finally got a personal grail of mine...
The Burbs (1989)
I had the plaid one and the emergency one, yes i had the soup thermos. which one/ones did you have?
Mail Call
What's a Netflix show that you're glad you stuck with?
New Freight Flow Carts
Has anyone ever actually been in an active shooter situation at Lowes
Two Kentucky comic shops that were swamped by floods