Male loneliness and lack of male-only spaces are largely self-inflicted problems
Red Pill advice for women is conveniently to make your life as limited as possible, while for men, the sky is the limit
Women are not as toxic as men
One of the main reasons age gap relationships fail is that the men approach them thinking younger women will let them get away with laziness and irresponsibility
Has anyone noticed a rise in older female/younger male relationships?
Women who "had their fun in their youth", have their own job and career and want to settle down at 30 are unironically the best type of women to marry in this day and age
If TRPillers were honest with what they´re saying, they would have 0 issue with single women, cat ladies, sluts etc.
I feel that TRP is a little hypocritical for obsessing over female weight but at the same time acting like women are shallow monsters for rejecting the boring guy
If you have no kids, there´s honestly no reason not to leave your boring, unappealing husband/boyfriend and seek a better life
The empathy gap is real: A photo of an enslaved woman in Libya rocks Reddit
Getting good sex is immensely beneficial for your mental health and sometimes getting into an exciting relationship CAN solve your mental health struggles
Men of all ages prefer women between 18-30 simply because it is their physical prime, absolutely nothing to do with manipulation or power dynamics
Older, single cat ladies are not who manospherians say they are
Why do divorced men seem to struggle so much even when financials are not an issue?
Why are men such a lost cause without female company?
Yes men want the skinny, blond, Pamela Anderson type of woman and I am tired of people pretending otherwise
"Divorce is better for the kids than their parents not loving each other" actually, I am not sure this is true.
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The idea that men can't systematically organize to fight for male issues because they will be mocked is a pathetic excuse
Men are worse off than women in all developed countries. This is so controversial that UN falsifies the Gender Development Index to hide this fact
Why did so many Modern women decide they don't want kids?
The normalization of having your first kid at 35+ is going to decimate birth rates even more, lead to increase autism rates and make things worse for the following generations
Men don't want empathy, they want power
Men: what are some ways that women have treated you "horribly"?