Someone told me not to make my life about men and it completely changed my perspective on life
I am very confused about how to go with things
Women whose partners wanted to change after they realized you would leave if they didn’t: how did it end up?
Do I need to attend my orientation as a transfer student ?
My (22f) partner (22m) makes fun of people behind their backs?
Not sure if this is the place for it, but I’ve been making some Go Vacation art, starting with the wretched Sparkling Stew Girl!
Eczema Aging Hands
Weirdest flare up spot?
Products I could buy my gf for her eczema?
scalp eczema pillowcase questions
You don’t realize how much you actually use your hands before bed..
I go to the school that class of 09 takes place at
my boyfriend's fridge
AITA for telling my sister's kid they can stay with me if they want and "poisoning them against her"?
AITA for "forcing" my boyfriend to do the dishes?
AITA for refusing to cook for my teenage kids?