Taking my time
Rate my first SMD repair
What is this black cable for and how dangerous is it?
Should I sell this huge antenna, and who would want it?
Where do I get long usb?
Sick of this.
How can I lower my spectrum internet bill?
[SBC] [Debian 11] Feeding video through external display with Overlays
What type of connector is this? It is 4.88x2mm, has 4 pins on one side, and 1 pin on the far side. The other end of the cable is usb a
Customizing my tools
My espresso machine randomly turns off and I need help finding the bad component. Which budget friendly device can help me test components on board
How I achieved perfect attenuation.
Is there any advantage to this?
Made a key chain
My local Tesco store (this has to be Debian, right)
Fiber bury teams... why?
Organization Help
Rate my tool bag
While my family with young kids were staying at this airbnb, a old man walked into the backyard and started draining the pool.
Chaning boot drive in Fedora
I can get one JavaScript audio player to work but I can't manage 6. Please help me.
what DE do you prefer?
Converting bash to js