Somehow body shaming is okay if it's a skinny/unattractive guy?
Writing an Emo/Hardcore album while in therapy
My roommate threw food in my trash can in the midst of an ant infestation, so I'm directing them towards him
Truthfully, I don't care about making something catchy, I'd rather make something horrifying, and this is why
"Easy Listening"
Your 5 minutes for my 5 minutes. Let's trade listens!
I made this song sort of as a prelude to my EP, but I think it fits here, and might be my favorite one.
How does 2 of my videos get 699 views but next video only get 60 views are you serious?
Since yall asked PT2 this includes the chorus I’ve not had the time to finish the whole song yet unfortunately!
Ok, so how do you promote your music effectively?
/r/WATMM Weekly Promotion Thread
I keep imagining burning myself with a cigarette, I want to
I'm not gonna lie, I've never listened to this band but someone invited me to the subreddit, so I'll listen very soon
Did I do this ok?
AITA for being angry over cuddles?
I made this song, of course having Grindcore in mind, but I'm curious if it falls into a specific subcategory
r/grindcore determined it's NOISE, so enjoy maybe possibly hopefully
Always Like This - Unemployment and 72.3% More Politics
New musical project... sort of Grindcore/Noise Music
Piercing/thrift shop
soon to be parking lots for american tourists…
Sickness is the worst feeling ever
Alternate version of September?
Alternate version of September by Earth, Wind & Fire?
Why do my shorts mostly get pushed to Asian countries?