AIO - my boyfriend took a photo of me topless and sent it to someone on Snapchat
These people are insane
Please inform your fellow dwarfs that it was a cave leech that killed you
It would be nice for Steam to implement.
just a suggestion. since we have a bit of space there
[Helldivers 2] #3 - Enjoyed it even playing 99% solo. Only real grind was 100 missions ~30 hours playtime.
Explosives placed!
[Discussion] what platinums did you give up on ?
[Helldivers 2] #96 - finally!
Rest in peace mr fors 🙏
This ines outfit is by far my favorite in the game
[dark souls] got all souls plats, any new good recs?
Hazard level 5 achievements bugged?
Are people worried about Spider-Man 3?
Guy got weird when I told him no nudes lol
Its gonna be a long aquarq mission
Just as i started watching the 1/4/0 IQ League streams this guy decides to not stream for days
[Discussion] Fellow trophy hunters what makes a good platinum to you?
Giving away five (5) copies of FF7 Rebirth!
Some good dark / gritty anime, either movie or up to 20 episodes?
I think Asset Library needs more sorting options
[Other] Road to 100% every COD: Complete! (for now)
Claims he beat Dark Souls 3 + The DLC with 1 death
[ELDEN RING] Finally did it! Probably the best game i have ever played.
First time fighting Boss 4
Does anyone know how to fix this issue with the edge?