Painting with washes, So far very colorful
WIP, Trying to paint with washes
There’s not been a single model from Trench Crusade that isn’t a 10/10
The Cooler Dreadnought
Nurgle could never
Need some advice
Another piece finished! This time tried to recreate the original concept art (I switched the gun for a big ol' knife)
They are fun
Let the Dragon Hunt begin
My first Black Grail mini!
Bro definitely loves his job
First Trench Crusade minis done.
Corpse Guard
Loving the grail right now
Papa Nurgle? Nah, Uncle Beelzebub
The Model That Corrupted Me
This model got me into Trench Crusade
Daemon Prince WIP
True Metallic Metal WIP, Thoughts?
Metal Painting Handle for Minis
Gordrakk WIP
Big green
Finally got my set up to work!!!
Rider Soon
Started the big cabbage itself