This is that hurt…. R.I.P pops…. I know this exact pain… only video game to actually made me feel sad
Maaan why he acting like he know this person personally… acting all sad this mf died in 1881= 144 yrs ago
What's wrong here peta?
🎨 Holi—annual spring festival of colors—with festive crowd on an Indian street 🤯 Ending is mind-blowing!
What is your top three favorite?
Ben Affleck's version of Bruce Wayne and Batman was so apt for that broken universe
Father and Son Resolve Dispute
UK girl fighting over her bf
”The last RuleBender”
Every dish my fiance "washes" looks like this.
What the heck is this thing?
Blursed Confidence
She was disrespectful to the store employee. serious mistake
Interactions with crocodiles like this are impressive but also so careless
What a stop
Biker’s Leg Snapped In Half
Gotta decide… so many tasty choices, such little time..
What are you wearing to the city of angel 🤔
What is something you HATEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! About this game??? I’ll start… the fact you can’t pause the game during a cut scene or even while your jumping i think… I know you can’t open the map when u jump..
You're being hunted by a bloodlusted batman with 1 month prep time, which team do you choose?
Who's winning this?
Spoilers… Finally got to this guy. Tryna 100% this game is tough
In hand to hand combat only, who wins?
Did I get lucky or am I being to optimistic after dislocation?