My Goat, My One and Only, Ferran Torres
My Goat Ferran
Which show started 10 out of 10 but ended 0 out of 10?
Transfer Decisions
Transfer students from last year, when did you get your decision back if you applied before the priority deadline for fall 2024 admission?
History secondary education major transfer
IBM Accelerate Program Question
What anime character would you have loved to have as a sibling?
What impacts would the Powell testimony have on stock prices?
Beluga whale uses hydro pump to retrieve toy
What one event changed your life the most drastically?
If you were stuck in an elevator for an indefinite period, what one thing/person etc would keep you sane?
The holy bidoof
Average S&P 500 Return by Zodiac Year
What that first Raphinha goal reminded me of:
My attempt at sketching Haxorus (my most favorite pokemon)
Best gym related discord bio i've ever seen
Found something that I made of Vitor Roque last year
First "professional" drawing ever
First professional sketch ever (not stick figures lol)
All 17 of John Duran's Goals in 2024
Tell me your favorite youtuber
"stay humble eh" - salah edition
Former Player - Dibu Martinez's top 3 saves according to SoccerRanker