[PSA] Hotfix - 11th February
I don’t like aircraft
What ships do you detest playing against
At the Georgia that just threw our Game: WHY???
I experienced my first "NiceGirl" meltdown
Low testosterone from sedentary life, bad sleep, vitamin deficiencies and bad diet is making a lot of us miserable. Take care of yourselves
Schlieffen Project
Code from Instragram for all those who missed! 8L5HQ5GMTK
Yamato commander
Mizzou worth the Steel?
How tf i fight with it
Why is it nearly impossible to get even teams
How do you effectively use your guns as a DD?
FDG sniper build 20+ km range viable? I don't believe but...
Peak Red Team Tactics
Is Vittorio Veneto worth it?
I think I can finally start enjoying this game
San Diego buff?
Why do asian killers always tunnel?
Playerbase what are your thoughts as a whole
I bought that 21 crate deal
This game saved my life in a unique way.
Unsinkable Sam Guise
When is it best to initiate hand holding/linked arms? And do guys even like that?
My dad worked at Area 51 and here's what he said about aliens