An Assortment of Thoughts (and Snark) on Woe’s Hollow (Spoilers)
Do I just suck or is it Singer?
my first plushie
first shirt I’m proud of enough to post!
What is the one note in a fragrance that you can't stand?
Why do my stitches look weird?
How do you usually store your sewing tools, fabric, patterns and other stuff?
What I’ve learned my first few months of self taught sewing
I made a Christmas dress too! First time going rogue from the pattern
Sleeve pattern for this top?
Face changes, 5 feet tall- 300lbs at age 35 to 140lbs at age 41. 20lbs more to go!
How to do understitching like this without a lining?
Is it worth it to sew your own clothes?
What have I done wrong? Singer Tradition sewing machine.
Need help understanding this fabric I got at goodwill
How do I fix this bobbin issue?
NYFW, thank you
Confused About Why This Pair of High Rise Jeans Looks Odd On Me
Add to my list of coconut scents
Roots are gummy/oily after shampooing
Best resources for learning data structures & algorithms?
[fanart] Laura sketch
DS&Durga Reviews/Ramblings
What is the most beautiful bottle you’ve seen?
Halp! I despise the taste of reheated chicken.