Has anyone ever read The Great Zoo of China by Matthew Reilly?
Any name suggestions?
Weekly "What Are You Reading Thread?"
[GTM] Obscurities #10
How did you break the news of CF to parents and what was their reaction?
U.S. Marines Descend on Southern Border Amidst Executive Orders
How many of ye are revisiting the First Law series whenever they need to escape from the world?
Trump Administration Orders Communications Blackout At Health Agencies
Just checking
Favorite character voice?
I forgot that just by looking at a couple you can see who is the problem, what a coincidence he said it was her
Chainsaw? Of the Newport Chainsaws?
What region are you a part of (sorry for the bad outline)
Oh the sweet irony
IUD insertion is the way it is because it’s based on the assumption that you’ve pushed babies out of there.
Any Cosmic or Psychological Horror Book Recommendations?
insanely stupid movies
Our current system is so immoral
Boy book?
We tried peaceful revolution.
If you had to name a boat, what would you name it?
Nine States Poised To End Coverage for Millions if Trump Cuts Medicaid Funding
Favorite band with a horn section?
I made a weird woodlouse.
"Woman who refused window seat to child on plane hits 1 million followers"