Ms. Huang is Mark’s and Gemma’s daughter
True Jewish experience
Does this flag have a political leaning?
The name Naama for a convert?
Let’s talk notes-matter of fact show me.
Cookies are 15mil now
120 CU in 121 days for WGU Finance Degree
Well, I just got a Looting V book :D Do I use it on my Daedalus axe or sell it, what would you do?
Can Jews live in Syria?
Potential incoming student
What are some good investments?
I think this one went over my head.
Anyone taken any of the new Dec 2024 courses yet?
We have an Excellence Award?
Rate my ~5000 hr profile
Does anyone know what this symbol means in the car? Asking for a friend/the whole east side
Israel has got to be the biggest victim-blaming project of all time.
How rare is red pest hunter armor?
What is this?