Name him the first thing that comes to mind
Lets Name the unnamed pt 4.
Some more pixel art for a project I'm doing. Now that I get a second look at it, it definitely needs some touching up, but not bad for being done at like midnight.
Why is Sheo so rude about Ogrim?
Can you guess who my favourite boss is?
Tell me your ranking of difficulty for all DLC remembrance bosses plus Bayle on rl1
Me in February 14th
How to ruin your day with one picture: (they can break the handle)
All Radiant bosses beaten! Here's a Tier List about how hard they were to me. Feel free to ask me any questions!
SuddenlyASDFMovie has been created
Do it
Catgirl vs Fr*nce
Which enemy makes your skin crawl the most?🤗
Bout to say my first word, what should I say?
So what's your favorite official level and the answers will be turned into a pie chart(check desc)
Screw Markoth, what's the best Stag Station?
Back on balls
Who's your favorite ace/aro rep
When I first noticed it I was like "were they made by the same developers?"
Just created a new character, what the INCREDIBLE should I name him?
ADHD Has Been Discontinued. Suggest a Replacement.
Petition to remove the Silkpost flair
What video game should I play?