Master Shake is serving on the Cerritos. How long will it take for him to be kicked out of Star Fleet or killed.
Guts (Berserk) vs everyone who has ever said "Griffith did nothing wrong" (Bloodmatch)
No, seriously Dirlwanger was worse than almost all Apostles exceptmaybe Wyald.
Best Gutsuga yet
Why does the Federation not bait the Borg into assimilating 4chan.
I showed a friend the Moopsy episode and he made this. (I am only linking it because I can not upload it here.
Moopsy Banna (This is probably the worst thing on this sub.)
Rutherford eating a hoagie
Can The Star Wars IP be saved in its current state? If yes how would you fix it if no why can it not be saved?
Casca's Revenge by me italomateusart
Hey observer you should run like now.
This can only end so well.
unused Grimal face I forgot about [ on Bluesky]
Garou greentext
I found this straw poll on /co/. Link in comment.
If Lucifer repented would he be forgiven?
Asuka fucking dunks
Who would various characters see during the Third impact.
This exact event will happen some day.
This will happen at least once
Firestar please get better standards
Why did Firestar not pick Ramiel is he stupid?
Tell me random CANON warrior cat facts
Give me ur worst warrior cat ships
Which table are you sitting at?