How can we encourage people to stop cutting through our driveway?
Helldivers 2 simply WON'T launch. I tried everything..
[FLASH GAME] [Simulation / Delivery] cca. 2000-2015?, 2d MAP Cartoon style, Upgrade - You fly a plane in Africa, you decide to take people or cargo and to which city to go to
What other sub-reedits like TalesFromTechSupport & TalesFromRetail keep you amused?
WIBTA to circumvent internal mailing lists at work to fund-raise for charity?
Help recommend an offline Netflix Solution
Help me adapt Forge of Fury for 3 players
What do you do to stay amused at work if you have free time?
AITA for making a friend think that I was trans?
Was ITAH for “tricking” a friend to think that I was trans?
Calling all D&D Players! A party's going to raid a cult temple for a magical thing. Party of 3 level 3 PCs- cleric, ranger and rogue. Something more utility/interesting than damage or healing would be ideal. What’s the artifact will they find?
Calling all D&D Players! A party's going to raid a cult temple for a magical thing. What’s the artifact they’ll find? Party of 3 level 3 PCs- cleric, ranger and rogue. Something more utility/interesting than damage or healing would be ideal. Thanks!
Calling all D&D Players! My party's going to raid a cult temple for a magical thing. What’s the artifact they’ll find? Party of 3 level 3 PCs- cleric, ranger and rogue. I’m thinking something more utility/interesting than damage or healing . Thanks!
What Magical Cult Artefact should my players find?
Curse for an evolved magic item
Help me build a honor based combat challenge issued to the players
Help me build a 3 vs 3 combat encounter for kobolds scorned y the party.
Advice required! Running sunken citadel and my players have made some interesting choices... (Spoilers for Sunken Citadel Adventure)
My boss wants to force me to stop working from home, what should I do?
What crime could your partner/spouse/significant other commit where you would snitch on them to the police but not break with them?
Grassing on your partner/spouse/significant other
LMOP SPOILERS - WEC Advice needed please!
WEC advice please!