Why buy concept2 over budget sunny
Driving score?
Apps/exercise programs
Afraid to get a Tesla now…
Moshe’s Tesla
My partner doesn’t want our baby
Before and afters of turning our formerly abandoned 1927 Detroit home into our forever home. Vacant for 7 years prior to start.
What is it about dads who talk very loud to their kids?
Why do women in their 40’s go off the rails?
Any criticisms?
Almost 4 year old son wants to be a girl
What age is too old for a daughter to sit on her dads lap?
What’s a small habit that has saved you a surprising amount of money?
After having a baby did you no longer want your pet?
Should I be worried?
Advice for a fainter?
What next??
Eli/alicia vent!
Free trip to Hawaii…with parents
IVF costs $20k per transfer. How are you IVF dads swinging it?
Backyard Reno $$
Are we letting our kids have snapchats?
Am sincerely contemplating divorce - kids are 2 and 4.
What’s a TV show that changed how you see the world?
What is something your toddler has a specific name for that you’ll never understand?