Capi (*, Osaka)
New Mandolin Day
The Shoresy Playlist on Spotify is AWESOME.
Which actor had the worst accent in a film?
30M, freshly divorced, ex-wife took the kid, do your worst
What is the first movie that pops into your head when you see Oscar Isaac?
What is the worst first date movie possible
Greatest TV show of all time?
My Gong Bao gets better every time I make it. Bbccbblalalalalakalalahshsbizhsbsbaizjzbsbbbzbb17273729
Name One!
I have a roomba s9 and a braava m6 an and they are both pieces of fucking shit.
Black Belt Metalheads
This is the worst thing I have ever tasted
Did you or someone you know have a rat-tail?
November pain by Splash
Is this raw? First time making steak
What is your favorite Nicholas Cage performance?
What are movies that considered to have "aged poorly" that actually aged very well?
The occupying Queen of this sub.
Don't think Zodiac (2007) is supposed to look like this 💀
Help me find my next series? something not on this list!
Favorite girl failures/losers/flops movies???
Big Rig and Jessie
What is your bra size, bro?