Guy I need help! My baby budgies upper beak broke off some how. I don't think the mother will be feeding him after 2 weeks. What can I do?
My bird is comfy-talking to Dannys videos and stops doing it whenever I pause the videos I think she's Greg
Budgie never dancing/bopping head
Is it okay if I make noises around the house with the lights dimmed?
Best comment I've ever gotten
Found a magical place covered in vines today
Budgie body language question
S/H for attention isn't a joke
Mushroom Cake
As a woman, speaking up is seen as yelling
im asking a boy/my bestfriend to be my boyfriend, and its doctor who themed
"Misandry" is just mysogony when it hurts men
This is the only group I know of that will properly appreciate this gorgeous moth with it's beautiful antennae and fluffy looking body. She was incredible and I'm so glad I got to meet her.
3D Mushroom movie/series
Akinator knows his shit
The Extra Greeting is a lie.
Danny is in Jail. What crimes did he commit?
Back pain after I eat
Are women able to fart? I’m serious.
I found a mushroom path in the woods at night
some goblincore fits !!
i met kurtis and danny!
I thought my newest art piece would fit in here ✶ what do you think his name is?
How do I make the moss effect on this bag ????????
Got a small taste of what racism feels like and I'm so sorry