Finally Suicide!!!!
I have a question
Last week I asked for a team for mono dragon and here it is. Now choose the remaining sets for Garchomp and Eviolite Duraludon.
I am actually convinced that Roaring Moon is too broken for OU.
Top secret Kyogre counter nobody wants you to know about
Classic skins
does gekko’s blind actually blinds my teammates too?
Can someone explain why my friend rants and raves about Techncian?
Commas are important guys..
Mabosstiff is Underrated AF in STABmons
What's an All-Out-Attacker
I asked my friend to build a house for us
I'm giving each fence its own unique look; starting off simple with Oak!
Is this still considered a starter base?
Is the clip nice?
How do i use a controller to play valorant?
Toxic Reyna
Inspect animation by me
Yo bro, check the sky!
Play valorant they said! It's a FUN SHOOTING game they said !!!
Free Classic Skins with Sounds?
Why Omen ability is a duck ?
yeh can't argue with tha' one, Albus
Harry after having too much fun at the Yule Ball